Documenting the Adventures of a Neophyte Paleolithic Eater

Wednesday, January 20

Know Thyself... guess I didn't!

I figured out that I ate junk food to relieve stress sometime in college. It did not occur to me that the inverse would be true: that not eating junk food would exacerbate stress. Goodness! I'm not sure how well I am handling everything, to be honest. Trying desperately to find a balance between my work, my family/social life and my health, it seems to always be at a deficit somewhere. Funny... the order I listed them in is usually where the priority is.

Lately I've really been focusing on getting to the box more often, watching my food (obviously if you're reading this) and enjoying my social life. It's been wonderful. I am happy, sleep well, look forward to my days and enjoy the challenges I face in those areas. In response to the up-side, my work has imploded. Nothing is running smoothly, and it's such a snowball effect. I feel inundated which is compounded by the fact that I am not able to eat cookie dough to calm myself. *Sigh*

I'm pitiful; I know. Well, now I know. I will be strong; eventually my withdrawals will temper. Tomorrow we are dunking for percentages, so the actual challenge starts then. Since I haven't been completely strict, we'll call this first week a warm-up? :)

Oh, Crossfit, you are fabulous. Last night we were doing deadlifts (for non-CFers, we pick it up then put it down and that's all), and I'm always afraid of my back. The chiropractor I went to over summer is not a proponent of weight-lifting at all for me. He's convinced that Crossfit will ruin my back by lifting incorrectly (bad form would ruin any person's back). So while everyone was putting the weights on the bar, I asked Ben to literally stand next to me and to tell me to drop it immediately if at any point my form started to suffer. With new confidence and strength from the last few months and the reassurance of someone looking out for me, I lifted over 200 lbs! Very exciting. My final CFT is 415. I was shooting for over anything in the 300's!

Well, today was my "rest day", so naturally I'm going to stay up inordinately late to get some work done instead of rest. I know that's a huge thing on which I need to work: getting enough sleep. Goodnight, to anyone who actually reads this.


  1. Impressive deadlift, Diana! See you at the dunk!!

  2. You're so buff. But I already knew that, roomie.
