Documenting the Adventures of a Neophyte Paleolithic Eater

Sunday, January 17

Dramatic Effects

So it turns out that if you detox your body from junk (no matter how short a time) and then you reintroduce a little, your body hates it! I had a few drinks last night--the book said I could, I swear-- and today it feels like I had 20. Some friends picked up pizza, against my better judgement, I picked up a piece and almost threw up after two bites!

Note to self, this Paleo thing is going to have huge effects! My body was already growing intolerant of oil and cheese, but it seems all the reactions are going to get stronger. The bonus is: when my will-power wanes, my stomach will fight back!!

If you have a while, check this out (thanks, Joe!):
"Sugar: the Bitter Truth"

1 comment:

  1. YES.
    Once you've experienced the clear-headed nirvana of the Paleo Zone, everything else feels like a hangover. The next time you drink, stick to hard alcohol and low-sugar mixers -- you'll feel way better the next day.

    I suspect that your main GI issues are with gluten and lactose (in)tolerance (not necessarily oil or saturated fat).
