From the link "17 Reasons You're Not Losing Weight", I am guilty of #2,3,4,5,7,11,15,16. Hmmm... as for right now, I think the biggest ones are Not giving it enough time and that my body is at a Homeostasis/Weight Plateau. My body likes to stay around 140 pounds. Any time I have really double-clutched to lose the weight, it's been an uphill battle and it came back. Any time I have gained weight, eventually my numbers found their way back down to around 140.
Well, Body, times are a-changing. You aren't in control any more; I am. I have learned that my body is so used to an abundance of food, fattening food especially, that it continues to store it as it would in primal preparation for famine and procreation: on the stomach, hips, tush... It's called the "body-fat set point". Our excess has created a higher percentage as the norm. Since I have no famine and no babies, I need to trick my body into thinking it must use those stores now. It's a mind game, and I'm gonna win!
The more I look into this Paleo eating, the more interesting and confusing it is! I'm not sure if anyone can even answer, but here are some of my confusions:
1) the Zone books tell me that for optimal burning the protein:carb ratio is 77:99 grams a day, but then I was reading a couple of articles that said to get better results mandates an even more restrictive 50-80 grams of carbs a day. So if we can use ketosis (normal-eaters, this means that basically your body runs out of food to use up so it goes for the stores. since eating away muscle is a last resort for our bodies, it goes for the gut) so effectively, then why does the Zone preach balance over deficit? Which is better?
2)Is "Primal" different from "Paleo"? Some articles, recipes, suggestions (Mark's Daily Apple, for example) refers to nut butters and cheeses... aren't those forbidden?
3) Can I get a final ruling on saturated fat? Focused avoidance or casual reduction?
4) Is eating too much fruit really cheating in disguise? Will it curb my body-changes?
5) Is honey allowed as a natural sweetener or will it just perpetuate the sugar withdrawals?
6) Does my fish oil intake count against my daily grams of fat?
7) Is whey protein allowed on Paleo? I know a lot of people are big fans of it, but the books say that dairy is an inefficient source of protein.
Most of the people who read this (family and friends) are normal-eaters. I realize you can't answer most of my questions, but these are good questions for us all. Fellow CFers, anybody have some insights??