Documenting the Adventures of a Neophyte Paleolithic Eater

Tuesday, March 23

Dull Post #1

Hello my faithful few, today I am swamped so just a quick recap.

3 eggs for breakfast and a cup of tea
a bowl of chunky tomato soup and a egg-white protein shake for lunch
a shake after workout with cherries and raspberries
taco meat on a bed of lettuce (now)

**I eat too little, it's still poorly planned and I'm not sleeping enough.

Good news:
Power snatches in 2's today (from ground to over-head) I did 85 lb.
Back squats: count of four down, I did 135 lb.

**Today was good but I'm tapped. I think I need a day off... that sleep lack is making it difficult to recover.

Sorry for the boring-ness, but I'm being accountable this time. :)

1 comment:

  1. To hell with boring. This is a great post. Keep it coming!

    Eat more fat.
    Get more sleep.
    Optimize post workout nutrition.
