Documenting the Adventures of a Neophyte Paleolithic Eater

Monday, March 22

One month later...

We did the second dunk on Thursday. Even with my huge backslides, I still lost almost 3 percent body fat! I'm pretty excited because it puts me in the "good" range. I was "average" going into this. I am officially under 20%. :-D

Of course as all over-analyzers do, I enjoyed my victory for about an hour and then started to wonder. What if I had stayed on-track? What if I hadn't used those first few weeks to get my feet wet and really just jumped into this? What if I followed all the advice my trainers/friend-trainers are giving me? Could I match that? Could I beat it?

Well, I guess we'll see. This is a four week extension. It's for no one but me, and I'll be accountable on here. Here's the plan: follow the quasi-paleo that I found worked for me in the final week; follow the advice of the Crossfit trainers and peers; keep a food journal on here; post regularly. The posts may not be as entertaining, but I realized that this is my documentation and not everyone can be as witty as Jill (, so my posts will be honest and probably less interesting. But maybe I'll average more than twice a month :)

Today (honestly... I'm fessing up):
3 eggs, coffee with 2 splenda and 1/8 c milk
handful of blackberries (meant to eat nuts but forgot them at home)
half an avocado, bunless cheeseburger with onions, tomato, cheese and lettuce, sugar-free jello
smoothie: one cup raspberries, one scoop egg white protein, 6 ounces water

**Self critique: I need more protein in the afternoon; I need to eat more often; I need to cut back on my sugar; I need to plan my meals better.

20 rounds on the minute of 3- 75# thrusters, 6- kettle bell swings

**Self critique: I could've done 80# and went up in KB half-way through. I'm just so paranoid about not finishing or dropping down weight part way through the WOD. I need to push hard so if I fail, I fail hard (not hurt just hard). Man up, Di, come on!

I've also signed up to participate in a Crossfit Competition. 3 rough workouts in 1 long day. My goal is to finish all three... even if I'm last. To prepare for this (on April 10th), we're working in two-a-day WODs (Workout Of the Day) sporadically. The trouble is that I can't seem to get into the box (gym) more than once. So I'm thinking that on the two-a-days, I'll do a "travel WOD" on my own and then get in there for the other one. Let's give that a trial; I don't want to over-do anything so I'll take it slow at first. However, I'm not going into that competition unprepared!

To quote a phrase from my people:


  1. looovvee it (in a high pitched sing-song voice!)
    this is awesome - you are going to kill it this next 4 weeks and at the competition.
    you are so freakin' strong!!! i did 63 tonight, and i thought i was going to pass out on round 13! to quote a phrase from your people, "GET SOME"

  2. YES!!!
    Excited to be dong this with you (again).
